
OFFERING: Complete Disinfecting Services


During these unprecedented times, we are here to serve our communities. It is our #1 goal to assist in impeding the spread of the virus by following all of the CDC guidelines.

Is there anything more you can do to ensure the health and safety of your employees?

Currently, we are offering deep cleaning and disinfecting services of offices and buildings. We hope that over the next few weeks as more businesses begin to open, employers take the necessary steps to keep your employees healthy and safe. Take advantages of the services we provide to make that happen!


Have some peace of mind knowing that with Semper Fi Cleaning and Maintenance, all high-touch areas will be cleaned with CDC approved disinfecting cleaner to eliminate the risk of COVID-19. You can choose daily, weekly or bi-weekly cleanings.

Our employees are specially trained in disinfecting. The proper PPE is worn when necessary while using disinfectant spraying. Every precaution will be taken to ensure you will be satisfied.

Call us for a free estimate.